Kategorie: Homepage
Presentation in Little Current on Jun 12th
I will give a speach about my cruise at Little Current Yacht Club on Jun 12, 2012
Imagination of remoteness
Snug Harbour, North Channel, Canada. – What eles can make one more sad then finding an imagination meeting reallity? Since beeing a little kid I always dreamed about the remote wilderness of Canada. I imagined myself an explorer, sometimes a bush pilot or whatever. I was hunting on adventures through endless woods over hills and…
Moving on
Heading on towards North Channel I stopped in Wingfild Basin again. what a change after busy days in Owen Sound, car traffic and a way too expansive trip to Toronto. For the second time what was supposed to be an overnioght stop might turn into one or two days; gusty winds and storms. This time…
Wilderness next door
At the northern tip of Bruce Peninsula a little natural harbour offeres the perfect scene to wait a few stormy days.
Speech at Kincardine
Hinnerk Weiler, journalist and sailor from germany giving insights in a cruisers live and his travels from Europe to Canada
Gaining confidence
A bad moment turnes into a good memory. About six month after Paulinchen stopped in LaSalle we are ready for Georgian Bay and North Channel in Summer 2012.
Just a thought away
Former merchants used the river Limmat in Zurich for cargo transportation. This connection to the world became virtual but it is still a way into the world for thoughts.
Podcasting about sailing
As some might have seen on my german Website and in Facebook I startet a new Web project last week. The „Segelradio“ wich is directly best translated into „sailradio“. It is an idea to create a platform for podcasts about sailing. Besides the content I pruduce the main concept is that others who are interested…
Segelradio? – Podcast!
Während mich die Collaborrativerockers vor einigen Monaten in Port Dalhousie interviewt haben, ist uns im Gespräch eine Idee gekommen: ein Podcast von und mit Seglern. Der Gedanke damals war, einfach mit eine Flasche Rotwein aus der Bilge mit anderen Crews über das Segeln zu klönen. Über Reisen, Abenteuer, Zollvorschriften; eben den ganz normalen Alltag an…
Film: Ostseesegeln
Vor kurzem fragte mich Lina Nagel von der segeln-Redaktion nach meinem „Geheimtipp“ in Sachen Charterurlaub auf der Ostsee. So recht konnte ich mich allerdings nicht entscheiden, was ich da als Tipp geben sollte. Bis mir heute ein Zwischenstopp auf meinen beiden größeren Ostsee-Törns 2005 und 2009 wieder einfiel. Die Schwedische Insel Utlångö liegt am nördlichen…